I was reading this article on OPRAH.COM and decided that I wanted to share it with all of you 1. Get Beyond Denial As long as you're thinking, "That shouldn't have happened or I shouldn't have done that," you're locked in a struggle against reality. Many people pour years of energy into useless "shouldn't haves." The angry ones endlessly repeat that their ex-spouses shouldn't have left them, their parents shouldn't have overfed them, or their bosses shouldn't have made them wear uncomfortable chipmunk costumes in 90-degree heat. Even drearier are the sad ones, who forever drone some version of "If only." If only they'd married Sebastian, or gotten that promotion, or heeded the label's advice not to operate heavy machinery, they would be happy campers instead of les misérables . I call this unproductive regret. People use it to avoid scary or difficult action; instead of telling the story of the past in...
Life Lessons is where Coach Destiny reaches her team by empowering and giving her team the tools needed to be the best version of themselves by using real life application.