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Showing posts from November, 2011


As, 2011 slowly disappears and I progressively work my way into 2012, all I can say is "THANK YOU GOD" because I know personally for myself if it was not for him , then I would have not made it this far. 2011 for me was my "Purge and Grow" season because during this year I had to learn to let go some things and some people and although painful it ultimately help me grow into the person that GOD created. After my painful seven months of purging and yes I said painful, I can only speak for myself but I am hard headed so GOD had to take off the kid gloves and I felt it all. But he never took his hands off me, he surrounded me with Faithful people who encouraged me and pushed me through even at times when I  wanted to give up on myself.  We all have to go through a purging season and unfortunately you may have go through more than one but when you go through understand that you are not alone. Understand that God never puts more om us than we can bare and

Letting Go

This note right here has taken my twenty five years to write, so as you read I ask that you pay attention because this is some of the rawest honesty I have ever put to words. So here we go … When people here the phrase " Letting Go " there are two things that instantly come to mind. The first thing is loosing something  or someone and the second thing lost of control. Inevitably both of these are correct because to let go of something  or someone it has to be no longer in your control and you indeed have to in a sense "loose" it. Most people myself included don't truly know what letting go  is, what we tend to do is "bury" it. You most of never true allow ourselves to "let go", whether it be an issue, an ex lover, or even a loved one that has passed away instead we bury it. I know somebody reading this is asking what's the difference so let me break it down for you. When you bury something it's like an empty glass on

Releasing the ANGER

I have been following Oprah's Life class but the one class that has been the most profound for me has to be the " Letting Go of Anger".  So, growing up and even occasionally now I noticed myself getting "angry" and a part of me really wanted to know where does the "anger" comes from. I have the answer, FEAR. Anger is a  just a manifestation of FEAR,  in order to deal with the anger you first have to deal with the FEAR which stems from some type of PAIN. I will use myself as an example I have a fear of loosing some one's love which stems from the death of my mother and dynamics of my relationship. So, since I have never truly dealt with the pain of her death until recently it manifested into ANGER. Anytime someone would reject my love or ;eave out of my life it made me angry.  Most of us have been angry for so long but not really knowing what the anger is all about. Iyanlya Vanzant, states that there are  Four Primal fears that we as people have

Hello World

For as long as I could remember I have only had two objectives in life. First is to follow my calling which is to help all people become better through the power of words and my second objective is to GREAT at doing what I have been called to do .Growing up for me w as mixed with tribulations and triumphs, I lost my mother when I was thirteen, won a couple of prestigious titles, had the pleasuring of meeting a diverse amount of people but all in all it has lead me to where I am today.  I bet you want to know where exactly that is.  Here I am sitting outside my town house on the trunk of my car. It is six o’clock in the morning and I am watching the sun pierce the sky all the while I have a million and one thoughts flooding my mind. Will they understand my perspective? Would they appreciate my strait forward approach? But the questions, that really had my heart pounding like the 808’s from my favorite songs, blanketed my soul like the first snow of the winter season. Can I really ma

How To Love

I truly find inspiration in all most anything and anywhere. For last couple of weeks I have been having “How to Love” by Lil Wayne on constant rotation. I mean normally I believe that at times his lyrics are not cohesive enough for me this song has a very powerful underlying message. When listening to this song for the third time in a row, I got it there a lot of people who are looking for love especially women but honestly don’t know how to love. For whatever the reason might be countless heartbreaks   or tumultuous upbringing a lot of people out here are desperately seeking LOVE   but truth be told a lot of them don’t even know what love is. -           What exactly are looking for? -           How does it feel? -           Can you see it? -           Will you be able to touch it or even describe it? -           Have you ever been in love? I personally believe that you could have never “been “in love because to me love, real love has no conditions which means that