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Releasing the ANGER

I have been following Oprah's Life class but the one class that has been the most profound for me has to be the " Letting Go of Anger".  So, growing up and even occasionally now I noticed myself getting "angry" and a part of me really wanted to know where does the "anger" comes from. I have the answer, FEAR.

Anger is a  just a manifestation of FEAR,  in order to deal with the anger you first have to deal with the FEAR which stems from some type of PAIN. I will use myself as an example I have a fear of loosing some one's love which stems from the death of my mother and dynamics of my relationship. So, since I have never truly dealt with the pain of her death until recently it manifested into ANGER. Anytime someone would reject my love or ;eave out of my life it made me angry.  Most of us have been angry for so long but not really knowing what the anger is all about.

Iyanlya Vanzant, states that there are  Four Primal fears that we as people have:

  1. Loosing some one's love or having our love rejected
  2. Being Venerable / feeling helpless
  3. Loosing Control
  4. Not being seen as valuable

So, when we feel anger or get angry it's because something or someone has exploited one of these fears in our lives and instead of dealing with the pain because we don't want to fee; venerable we turn it into anger. So, we go trough life with "Anger" and every time someone triggers that first initial interaction you had with one of the fears, you become angry all over again. A lot of us believe that we can control our anger but truth is the anger is really controlling you. It's holding you back from being  your BEST SELF.

In order to release the anger  you have to confront the Hurt (pain) because underneath the pain is the love and that's where you want to be. Iyanla suggests that you do this ,
  • Drop your hands to your side
  • allow yourself to venerable
  • invite the hurt forwards
  • deal with the hurt
I  know that it seems easy but trust when I say, it's one of the hardest but exhilarating things that you will ever have to do, In letting  of the past pain, the anger instantly depreciates it no longer takes up space in your life.  SO, not for ME or for anyone else RELEASE THE ANGER SO THAT YOU CAN TRULY START TO LIVE!!

I leave you with this paraphrased quote from Iyanla Vanzant:
You can accept or reject the way you are treated by other people. But until you heal the wounds of your past you will continue to bleed. You can bandage the wounds with work, drug, sex but eventually they will bleed through and stain your life.

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