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Hello World

For as long as I could remember I have only had two objectives in life. First is to follow my calling which is to help all people become better through the power of words and my second objective is to GREAT at doing what I have been called to do .Growing up for me w as mixed with tribulations and triumphs, I lost my mother when I was thirteen, won a couple of prestigious titles, had the pleasuring of meeting a diverse amount of people but all in all it has lead me to where I am today.  I bet you want to know where exactly that is.  Here I am sitting outside my town house on the trunk of my car. It is six o’clock in the morning and I am watching the sun pierce the sky all the while I have a million and one thoughts flooding my mind. Will they understand my perspective? Would they appreciate my strait forward approach? But the questions, that really had my heart pounding like the 808’s from my favorite songs, blanketed my soul like the first snow of the winter season. Can I really make a difference? Will I inspire people? Will I answer my calling?  Is my writing good enough? Am I going to succeed? Will my work be appreciated?

So, as I continue to sit, now with these questions racing through my mind like NASCAR driver’s at the Daytona 500. I began to reflect back to when I was younger and had to make a decision and I kept toiling over the “what if’s”, I always recall my grandmother saying so crassly with her southern accent, “Well either piss or get off the pot”. So, that’s where I am stuck on the pot. I am at the point in my life where I have been handed the key to unlock the door to all of my dreams. I just have to muster up the strength to do just that. At times it feels so surreal, I have been working so hard for so long to get here but I still can’t believe that it’s happening to me.   So, here I stand on the door seal of my future, looking back at the road I took to get here full of ups and downs and even going in circles. Having to let go of all my past baggage and opening myself up to the possibility of greatness. So, here I go stepping into my Destiny, “Hello World”
