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Letting Go

This note right here has taken my twenty five years to write, so as you read I ask that you pay attention because this is some of the rawest honesty I have ever put to words. So here we go …

When people here the phrase " Letting Go " there are two things that instantly come to mind. The first thing is loosing something  or someone and the second thing lost of control. Inevitably both of these are correct because to let go of something  or someone it has to be no longer in your control and you indeed have to in a sense "loose" it.

Most people myself included don't truly know what letting go  is, what we tend to do is "bury" it. You most of never true allow ourselves to "let go", whether it be an issue, an ex lover, or even a loved one that has passed away instead we bury it. I know somebody reading this is asking what's the difference so let me break it down for you. When you bury something it's like an empty glass on the table, although there is nothing in the glass by it remaining on the table it is still taking up space. That's what we do when we bury our issues, they may no longer carry the pain that it initially had but by not letting it go you still allow it to hold a spot in your life. So, if you never let anything go then eventually end up with no space to truly live your BEST life.

I know you want to know how can you tell when you truly let something go or if you have just buried it. Have you ever heard a friend say after seeing there ex, " You know it still hurts but not as much", that's a person who has buried an situation instead of letting it go. You see when you truly let a situation go then when it arises again or if you're asked about then it will be like recalling a distant memory, like trying to remember the name of your kindergarten teacher but what it will not do is affect your current state of being.  I won't lie "letting go" is very hard thing to do because no one want to loose control of an situation but trust when I say that it's better to loose control of that situation and regain control of your life then it is to control every situation and not live out you purpose.

This is how I learned to "let go" and I can't say that it'll work for you especially if you are not ready but it worked for me. The first thing that I did was allow myself to be hurt to feel all the pain and the regret and when I went through this phase you may want to cry, scream, and curse but allow yourself to do it. Then I took to my knees and I repented, I not only asked GOD to forgive me  but I a surrendered myself and asked him to use me. Then, I got in touch with some people who had did me wrong or who I may have wronged and I asked for forgiveness. You see it doesn't matter what your part in was or even if they forgive you at least you know that you tried. Lastly, I forgave MYSELF and allowed myself to be "imperfectly Perfect".

I hope this helps you began to "let go" anything that's holding you back from walking in your divine destiny.
