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How To Love

I truly find inspiration in all most anything and anywhere. For last couple of weeks I have been having “How to Love” by Lil Wayne on constant rotation. I mean normally I believe that at times his lyrics are not cohesive enough for me this song has a very powerful underlying message. When listening to this song for the third time in a row, I got it there a lot of people who are looking for love especially women but honestly don’t know how to love.

For whatever the reason might be countless heartbreaks  or tumultuous upbringing a lot of people out here are desperately seeking LOVE  but truth be told a lot of them don’t even know what love is.
-          What exactly are looking for?
-          How does it feel?
-          Can you see it?
-          Will you be able to touch it or even describe it?
-          Have you ever been in love?

I personally believe that you could have never “been “in love because to me love, real love has no conditions which means that you can turn it on or off. I hear and see especially ladies in love one day and out of love the next which leads me to the conclusion that so many of us don’t know what love is or How to love.

Most importantly you don’t have to look for love because it’s not hiding from you. If you want to experience real love then all you have to do is simply look in the mirror. You see that radiant beauty staring back at you, that LOVE, Unconditional LOVE. You can be with numerous men or women but until you lean to love and appreciate that person in the mirror than you will never be able to experience real love.

Secondly, be honest with yourself call it what it is. We as people at times use the word “love” as a synonym for “like” or “Infatuated”.  If you really like someone, then tell them “I really like you” but don’t tell them that you “LOVE” them when you really don’t.  “I love you” are the most three dangerous words in any l any language because those three little letters can cause immense pleasure or a catastrophic amount of pain.
Lastly if you want to experience love whether it be from a friend, family member or companion don’t put any conditions on it JUST LOVE. Trust that it’s not going to always be perfect but because you love without conditions or boundaries, you open yourself up for boundless pleasure. I know some may say the reason why they don’t open themselves up to unconditional love is because they don’t want to get hurt. I understand no wants that but  truth is “pain is inevitable”  we are all going to experience hurt in hurt whether it be in the form of death of a loved one or being dumped by your high school sweet heart. The lesson is not in the pain it’s in the loving.  I personally love with all that I am and I have been hurt numerous of times but it never turned me bitter or stopped me from loving the next person unconditionally.  But you will never know until you put your heart out there which means first loving YOURSELF without conditions “flaws and all”.
