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How To become a star in your own life

As you all know that I draw inspiration for various places but I am also a fan of Oprah's Life class, if you have never watched I strongly suggest it. I also like to do the work because it helps me with my clients. Today I am going to be sharing with you a tool that you can use to help you become a star in your own life.

Write down the 10 things about yourself that you try to hide from others, and be honest.
Dr. Phil wants you to think about the choices you can make to create a positive outcome. What is it that you're doing that's working?
What do you need to stop doing that's getting in the way of what you want?
What do you need to start doing that will empower you to move forward?
Dr. Phil has seven key strategies for attaining your goal. Strategy #1: Express your goal in terms of specific events or behaviors. (Example: My goal is to return to college and earn a degree.) Complete this sentence: I want...
Strategy #2: Express your goal in terms that can be measured. (Example: I will take six credit hours at night school or online per semester until my degree is secured.) Complete this sentence: Specifically, that means...
Strategy #3: Assign a timeline to your goal. (Example: I will complete six credit hours by next May and earn my degree by the end of the sixth semester.) Complete this sentence: A realistic timeline is...
Strategy #4: Choose a goal you can control. (Attending college works here.) Complete this sentence: The circumstances I can control in achieving this goal are...
Strategy #5: Plan and program a strategy that will get you to your goal. (Make sure you have the money, time and access. Set up a realistic schedule.) Complete this sentence: The potential obstacles and resources required are...
Strategy #6: Define your goal in terms of steps (choosing a school, applying for admission, selecting your courses and so on). Complete this sentence: The necessary steps are...
Strategy #7: Create accountability for your progress toward your goal. (Example: My sister will call to check on me once a week.) Complete this sentence: I will create accountability by...
Bonus: We're not finished yet, though. Now write the answer to this important question: How will you feel when you attain your goal?

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