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Greater is Here

I woke up at 4am on November 1st and something in my spirit was stirred. I was emotional woke up crying but for the life of me I could not tell you the cause of the tears. I was not in pain, I was not angry but my I was unsettled and I could not fathom what was happening. However, like I always do I pressed on with my day then I got a notification from Facebook, you know the one when they show your memories from that day and two years ago my status was about how much pain and uncertainty I was in about my life and I was tired. I read and disregard it until I got a call later that night from my love and it clicked.
On, New Year’s Eve I sat in the audience at St. Paul’s watch night service and my life changed. I decided to become the person I was created to be. I was no longer settling and I was going to follow my heart and take a faith walk.  The naïve me wanted to know to believe that my struggle would come to cease with that declaration but it was just the opposite. From January until June I went through a fleshly purge I lost every materialistic thing that I held dear, the job that hated but was paying my bills, I even had to step away from people who I loved but once I was stripped to just my faith and fear then It came the war. My faith one and the God in me emerged powerful and strong. I look in the mirror and I can see the change in me, I more confident, more content and I have joy. Crazy thing is I have been spending this time from June until Now trying to find my footing rebuilding my foundation.

I say all this to come to this discovery, the reason why my soul was out of whack because it was hungry. I have so much work to do and so much to contribute to the world that my soul is literally forcing me into action.  2015 was my shaking I spent that whole year rocking from who I am and what the world said I was, From January of 2016 until June of 2016 I went through my beating and showed me how strong and humble I truly was, From June until now my soul has been going through a pressing, preparing me to walk my faith in my truest form of myself,

The reason why my soul was restless was because my GREATER IS HERE and now it’s time for me to embrace all of who I am.

I really don’t know who I am supposed to reach with this post but I do know that I am meant let you know that you are an amazing child of GOD and give yourself to him, it will not be easy, matter of fact it will be the hardest task that you will ever have to do but it will be worth it.
