So, I really get frustrated when I hear friends and family talk bad about my last boyfriend in fact he was probably one of my only real boyfriends, my first love to be exact. Don’t get it twisted we went through some things but I don’t like when people blame others for my decisions and actions. I can’t lie and say being in that relationship may have persuaded my perception of things but ultimately it was my decision. This leads me to this general question, “Whose To Blame?????” I always here people and see status updates about how somebody is doing something to someone else, or the world is doing something to you but what I never here is what you are doing to provoke these attacks or a plan to prevent them. We as a people because I use to do it to , are always looking for someone or something thing to blame but we never truly take accountability for our own actions and the state that those actions has left our lives. If you were to look at any situation in your life and wer...
Life Lessons is where Coach Destiny reaches her team by empowering and giving her team the tools needed to be the best version of themselves by using real life application.