First let me apologize for the long pause but I have definitely been busy and I have been writing just not blogging. We all go through something and either we cone out better or broken. I came out blessed. I truly believe that these past two years have truly been my purging season. It's a season that we must go through and some of us several of times before we get it right. I won't lie and say it was all rainbows and sun shine because it won't, I was hurting on a daily basis, I was stripped of everything that I thought was important. I was naked my soul exposed. My skeletons emptied out of my closet and. I was left to deal with the person I had neglected for the last twenty odd years: MYSELF.
He wants the best for me and the best for you too. So at times it may seem hard and trust life at times but Trust your higher power, he will never fail you. So embrace your purging season and if you need help through it, then reach out to me. I will help you through email me Coach Destiny at
Like I said it took a little over two years to get to a place of peace but the first year was literally God breaking me down and bring me back towards him. This past year in a half has been a rebuilding which also has not been easy but I have accomplished some great things, started some new business ventures, met some amazing people. Reconnected with old friends but most importantly I fell in love with life and my GOD. I have been surviving doing the minimal to get by and although I have no complaints. I want more , I'm worth more, God created me to be more.
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