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SIns of Father

The more I grow each day, I have started to realize that even in my own family that we have “Generational Curses” and sometimes not breaking those curses is what hinders us from living out our purpose. I mean when I look at my own immediate family, my parents where hard workers they keep a steady job even if they don’t like it for maybe five or ten years.  My sister and my brother are the same way but me I am different I get restless and when I get restless then I switch up occupation with my main goal to counseling and owning my own business stay in the front of my mind. I am pretty sure that if you really take time out to evaluate your family then you will notice a few generational curses too, it could as simple as marrying early or something like alcoholism every family has a few. What I am going to touch on today is how to combat those curses and create new trends for the generation behind you.

1.       Research It
a.       Every problem has a root cause and before you can find a solution you first need to know where it stems from. So, this may mean that you have to talk to several members of your family. For me, my parents didn’t follow their dreams because they had kids to provide for.
2.       Commit to Breaking the Cycle
a.       I know that at times you feel like it’s just easy to go with wave but I challenge you to swim against it. I know that it may be hard to do and you might even get strange looks from your loved ones but I can guarantee the end results will be well worth it.
3.       Do the work
a.       The hardest thing is to do the work. If you have a family full of alcoholics not only do you may need to stay away or limit your intake but you have to get some members into rehab or AA meetings. Now, you also have to prepared for the resistance but know that if you trying and you can only help a few then you are still setting a new trend and the generations after you will observe that.

I hope this helps you combat some of the curses that are plaguing your family. It’s not really complex process all that it requires acknowledgement, a will to change and effort.

Like always it is my pleasure to help out my team if you want to schedule a life coaching session or some advice contact me or
