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Love Thyself

It’s been awhile not that I have not have anything to say but I literally have not had to time to sit down and but my thoughts into words. There is a difference from being busy and working and I have been working trying to create some new opportunities for myself and the ones that I love but there is neither here or there. I am back with an arsenal of issues for us discuss. If there is a topic or an issue you would like for me to address please feel free to send it to me
So, todays topic is all about Self- Love because I feel that is something that is missing in the world. I have experienced people who are selfish but they don’t love themselves they just guard themselves with materialistic items to make them feel complete. I see people who a searching for love in all the wrong places and people because they are know they are missing it but not knowing that the love they seek comes from within.

I like most people confused things with love and I thought because I brought myself nice things that somehow translated to how much I love myself. Truth be told I just truly fell in love with Destiny like a year ago I mean the real Destiny. I respected myself and I did what I thought was needed for my family and I liked me but I didn’t love me. Insecurity flourishes when the light of love is not present. That was a year ago and some days I still battle with self-love 

These are a few tips that I use daily to stay in love with myself ….

1.       Change the things that you can change and ACCEPT what you can’t:  I know it is easier said than done but everyone has there on unique set of traits and some you can enhance and other you cannot. I don’t like my weight so I can eat healthier and exercise  however I know that I will not look good skinny so I choose a size healthy over a size three. I also can’t change my height and I am not a fan of heels so I accept my short stature.
2.       Make yourself a PRIORITY: I not saying become selfish but what I am saying is make yourself priority in your life. Stop allowing the lives of others, work, family or whatever to consume you. We all have our own bags to carry in life but trying to carry someone else’s on top of your own will cripple you.
3.       Say NO: I use to have the biggest problem with this until I looked at how many opportunities I missed because I didn’t say NO to someone or how many times I was placed in an uncomfortable position because I couldn’t say no. NO is not a bad word and sometimes it is needed but people who love you don’t mind the NO and the ones who mind don’t love you.
4.       Connect with your higher power: Now we all know that I believe in GOD but I can’t make you believe over the past year I have been trying and struggling to build my own relationship with him and it has been hard because I am still in an internal battle but his no hold barred love keeps me as he reveals to me daily the power of his love and mercy
5.       Don’t follow the Standard become the Standard:  I am going to leave this for you to interpret how you choose but what I will say is that everyone has something to offer the world but you must believe that no one is more than what you are.

Thanks for stepping into the Coach’s Corner I will see you guys next Sunday, same time and same place. Make sure you are following me on social media @trcoaching and @coach_destiny .
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