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1. I am in a relationship but we never really go out, all he does is come to my place. We never really go out anywhere, it's been a year and I haven;'t met any of his family or his friends, I don't know what to feel?

I am going to assume that you have read some of my post and you know that I am very strait forward and this coming from a place of love. Sweetheart, you are not in a relationship , you are available to person who truly seems to not have any real interest in you besides what you are offering. You know what to feel but you do not want to be alone but  if you honestly ask yourself, which one is wormst be alone or lonely because you are already lonely. I do not know this guy and do not condone male bashing, but my advice would be to have a conversation and real conversation about how you feel and where you stand in his life and from there make a decision that is best for you and your happiness. 

2. Coach D, how do you get yourself out of a rut?

The advice that I give all my clients when they are stuck is to make a list of 3 things that you have never done and never planned to do and then do something off of that list. For example, on my list was to publish a book. Doing this recharges your brain and rejuvenates your spirit. Sometimes we have to allow ourselves to change channels for awhile , so that we can refocus on our calling.

3. I think something is really wrong with me because it is like as I get older,my sex drive has kicked in to high gear and I am in a relationship but I want more sex, how do I ask for it without seeming like a freak ot make him feel like he is not satisfying me?

I have never personally heard a guy complain about more sex but I understand completely where you are coming from, my advice to you is to tell him exactly what you told me and I think you will be pleasantly surprised with his response. 

4. Destiny, I see that you incorporate a lot of your personal life into your coaching, do you feel like you are exposing to much or leaving your loved ones and yourself open to scrutiny? I am asking because I love what you do and I feel your transparency is why you can reach so many people but I know it has to take it's toll.

Thanks first of all for caring about my loved ones and their lives and mine. I really try not expose to much when it comes to the ones that I love because I know that will leave them open to scrutinized, so I always try to center around my life. I also communicate with them, so they know and if it's too much for them they will let me know. However when it comes to myself, I wouldn't even say I am totally transparent I believe in giving enough of myself to help others but also making sure that I do have something for myself. So, I give a lot but not everything. It does take a toll but it's worth it when I see people doing better, living better because of me.

5. How do you tell someone that you are no longest in love with them?

Very carefully and honestly believe it or not people appreciate the truth no matter how painful at the point of impact. My advice to you would be to communicate exactly how you feel because you never know you guys may love each other but may not be in love or your passion flame may just need to rekindled or you might need a break from each other. No matter the course of action the best thing is to tell that person NOW, how you feel.
