If you are following me on any social media then you know that I am in the process of writing a book which is called “bare Soul” everything about this book is raw as it is a collection of journal entries and life trials but most importantly it’s a way to for me to heal and also truly discover myself. The one thing I have drawn from my current set of pages is that I am indeed scared of lonely. There is a difference between being lonely and being alone. Although, I need the definition in my mind and how I lived my life conflicted with that. You see ever since I can remember I have always been in the group, I have never really truly lived alone, my family is big and I have never worked a job that required solitude. But if you ask me or people close to me, they would say I never go out, I prefer being in the house by myself but yet my worse fear is being alone or is it? When my mom died if created void inside of me and I was and at times still am afraid of losing s...
Life Lessons is where Coach Destiny reaches her team by empowering and giving her team the tools needed to be the best version of themselves by using real life application.