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Showing posts from February, 2016

Scared of Lonely

If you are following me on any social media then you know that I am in the process of writing a book which is called “bare Soul” everything about this book is raw as it is a collection of journal entries and life trials but most importantly it’s a way to for me to heal and also truly discover myself. The one thing I have drawn from my current set of pages is that I am indeed scared of lonely. There is a difference between being lonely and being alone. Although, I need the definition in my mind and how I lived my life conflicted with that. You see ever since I can remember I have always been in the group, I have never really truly lived alone, my family is big and I have never worked a job that required solitude. But if you ask me or people close to me, they would say I never go out, I prefer being in the house by myself but yet my worse fear is being alone or is it?   When my mom died if created void inside of me and I was and at times still am afraid of losing s...

I Should Have Cheated

What causes people to Cheat ??? Its a question that no one really knows the answer to unless they have actually cheated. I personally have not cheated because I do not like keeping track with lies, I would most likely tell on myself lol but truthfully I have been cheated on and I remember how it impacted me emotionally, physically and mentally. That is what this post all about dealing with the residual effects because although I honestly believe that cheating has more to do with the cheater than their companion unfortunately the companion becomes a victim of their internal war. Be Hurt, Not Angry I know that is easier said than done but truth is the first is to not lash out because you unknowingly give them the satisfaction of having control over you which in some cases is like feeding the beast, you lash out and they say I know you would act like that, that's why i didn't tell you. KEEP your POWER. But you are allowed to feel hu...

Talk To ME

Talk to Me For the month of February, I have decided to dedicate to my blog to support, “How to Love “Each week will be discussing a topic that is relevant to all relationships. This week’s topic is communication … Communication is vital in every relationship because if you are unable to express yourself too openly and honestly then you cheat yourself and your companion because you are not giving then the “REAL” you. So, I am going to share some of my communication rules Coach Destiny style… 1.      Leave your guards at the door a.      The worst thing that you can do when trying to talk to someone is to come in guarded. It takes away from the conversation because you spend more energy trying to climb across that wall in order to get close enough for your words to impact. 2.      Listen don’t Hear a.      There is a difference because I do it often, I can hear the words but the...