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Sister To Sister Sunday

Q: What if your faith and your current career don't align?

A: Then you need to go back to your faith and listen to the answers that he gives you

Q:  How do you walk away from people you've known half your life?

A: Dont confuse history with loyalty not everyone who ages together will actually grow together.  you can still be cordial with the knowing that yall lives are on two different paths

Q:  Is there away to fix bad sex?

A: Communication and exploration  remember sex should be more than physical act

Q: Is it possible to rebuild trust?

A: It's possible only after you have truly healed and forgave otherwise you will harbor resentment

Q: What is the best way to overcome heartbreak?

A: Reflection and time.. give yourself the opportunity to heal

Q. How do you handle jealous people?

A. keep being great their jealousy has nothing to do with you
