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I Made It

Okay so if you have not done so then I need you to go out and get Fantasia new album “The definition of” because it’s true testament to what real women deal with it. I swear between this album and BeyoncĂ©’s Lemonade I have really tuned into myself as a woman more.  But back to the reason for this post .. Fantasia has a song with Tye Tribbet titled “ I made it” it’s a gospel song but it’s more like her testimony and it’s so relatable and it touched me so much that I had to write about it .

If you follow me on social media then you know that I am very open about my life and use my own personal experiences to give insight and inspiration to others in order for them to not only learn from mistakes but to also know  that we are all a sum of our decisions whether they be good or bad.  I believe in divine intervention and I know that God will speak to you in away that you know that it’s him talking directly to you. He did that with my today with this song. I was driving and I was deep into my thoughts and I decided to listen to Fantasia’s Cd and this song began to play and as the words played my heart was full that the tears began to pour non stop because I had come to the realization that I MADE IT but I wanted to share with you where I made it from .

In January 2016 , after a really heart touching Midnight mass sermon I honestly told myself that I was not happy with where I was in life. I was just simply alive but I was not living . I mean I enjoyed being a life coach and motivating change in the lives of others but I was not even doing that I was just half assing it.  I was starting to drink my own cool aid and I forgot that GOD gave me the gift to begin with and I was abusing it. So, from January til about June I went through I lost a lot of material stuff, I was jumping from BS job to Job but I could just not get together and I was slowly falling into depression.  I allowed the darkness to consume me and I couldn’t find my way out but then my sister starting going to church and I started to record and study the sermons .  I was slowly finding my way back to God. I was ashamed, confused, lost and in pain but God broke though every barrier and he rescued me through the darkness . He cleaned me up and restored me back to my rightful place.
It has not been easy but it has been everything. I got a better job with career opportunities , I am actually working on getting  my non profit up and running, along with my life coaching practice and so much but more importantly I wake up reassured and covered  in his grace and mercy.  There is not to say that I have not had bad moments but even my worst day walking in his favor is better than my best day without it.  These last six months may have been the most painful of my life but it was also the most rewarding because I found the one person that I can not live without and that is ME.  I am more confident, I smile more and even though my circle is a lot smaller I appreciate them more because when I was facing the fire they didn’t retreat but stood with me.

I say all that to say this, whatever you are going through know that life is some much more than you. Give praise to your higher power and make sure that you build a solid relationship with him for yourself. Never allow temporary people and permanent positions in your life. Stay humble.
Like always if you need to reach out to me to set up and appointment or to ask a question then email me or
