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Kill Destiny

Hey Team :

You all know how much I love music so you should know i was here for this entire Jay Z 4:44 album I  mean I could literally blog about every single song because of the significance of the music.  Jay Z's  latest album is not for entertainment but for enlightenment so only the truly mature can relate. NO SHADE LOL !!

So the first track on the album is called Kill Jay-Z and the entire song is about a battle between  Ego and self this battle is something exist in all of us.  In 2016 i made my fist conscious decision to actively engage in walking my purpose which meant that in order to become the best version of myself then i had to first kill the old me. We all have things in our lives that we need to let go or kill so i have a three major things that in order to truly live your best life.

1. EGO : This has got to go it will only get in your way. Your ego will tell you not to ask for help even when your drowning.  We all have short comings we have to accept we are are not perfect

2. ENVY : One of the main reason why people can not get ahead in life is because we are too busy looking at the lives others. You can stay in your lane if you to busy watching  the cars around you.

3. PRIDE : Pride is a purpose killer because it  makes you believe that you have all the answers when you don't. There is nothing wrong with asking for help when you need it.

In order to live your best life you have to check yourself , there is no problem with being confident or even a little arrogant  as long as you remain humble. Stay true to yourself and don't let society dictate to you who you are.  The time is now to have a funeral for the PERCEPTION of who you should be and breath life into the REALITY of who you are.

Love You Team
