I took a look at some of my past posts and I notice when I tend to focus on the women then they I always get great reviews. So, today in a very spontaneous way I decided to create sister 2 sister Sunday which is basically time for women to contact me to help answer a question, give advice, or for an honest opinion. So, here are few of the questions that I Have received today ... Q: I broke up with my ex boyfriend and I don't know how to move on, he has a new girl friend but he says that he is not happy and he still loves me. How do I let him go? The best way to move on from a past love, is to just move on. I know it maybe hard and you are going to have to give yourself permission to vulnerable and then you move on. He may very well be unhappy but he also left, don't forget that there is a reason why you two are no longer together and you need to accept that. So, if you need to erase his number, block it, or name it "Don't Answer" then do it...
Life Lessons is where Coach Destiny reaches her team by empowering and giving her team the tools needed to be the best version of themselves by using real life application.