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I Can't Make You Love Me

So, I opened my blog up to my followers of all my social media website and they topic of the week is loveless relationships. It really bothers me when I see a couple and it so obvious to everyone that they are no longer in love with each other but then that begs the question why are they still together.
So, here goes a couple of the most famous excuses of why

* We're together for the children: Although it maybe painful in the beginning I can almost guarantee that there is no child who truly love their parents that want to see them miserable. If you are not happy, they can tell and eventually your unhappiness will spread to them

* We've been together for so long, it just makes since: So because you are afraid of the unknown you would rather allow yourself to be unhappy. I want you to know that unhappiness will soon breed bitterness which will then turn into hatred. Wouldn't be easier to leave friend then to be thrown out by an enemy.

* I still love them : But do they still love or a better question is are you in love with them?  There is a big difference between loving someone and being in love with someone and I think that you should explore the possibility that you may love that person and want them in your life but you may not be in love with that person and need them in your life.

* If I leave them I am going to loose  everything that I have : What cost a man to gain the whole wide world but loose his soul because unknowingly that is what you are doing. You are sacrificing your heart , the very essence of the your being for things that could all be taken away from you in a blink of an eye, regardless.

These are just a few of the reasons that I hear people give when they are locked into a loveless relationship. But after some deeper exploration and even some reevaluating of my relationships I have come to the conclusion that they main reason that a person stays in a loveless relationship is not because they are weak, or even scared but because they don;t love themselves not truly because until you can fully fall in love with the person in the mirror, you will always settle for the comfortable and mediocre instead of going after the extraordinary.Some, my best advice is to love yourself flaws and all and then watch how true loves find you.
