I have been going through a very private yet emotional conflict over the last 6 to 7 months and it has cause me a lot of stress and worry. My life was spiraling and although I was not doing anything crazy I was losing pieces of myself which is not cool. So, last week I sat down with my journal and my pen as often do I started to create a list of things I had not yet to accomplish in my life, goals I have given up on, things I have taken for granted and things I still want to do . AS I wrote and just let my emotions pour on the page on the last line I wrote “I BET YOU WONT FIGHT ABOUT IT”. If you know me then you know that is one of my favorite phrases after I talk shit to someone almost like I taunt to get a reaction out of person but as I look at my journal I had to think , who was I taunting at this moment, who was I trying to get a reaction out of? Then it clicked I was taunting myself because I had allowed life and all the drama that comes...
Life Lessons is where Coach Destiny reaches her team by empowering and giving her team the tools needed to be the best version of themselves by using real life application.