Thinking about it I could go almost any way I want with this post but lately I have been having a real issues with females, who portray themselves one and expect to be treated another. Don't get me wrong I believe that everyone should be respected at all times but sometimes especially as females you have to be conscious of what you are putting out there and how people are going to perceive it. So, with that said let me get to the root cause of the note, there is a thin line between sexy and slutty and a lot of young and old females have crossed that line and then get offended when the opposite sex approaches them in what they may feel is disrespectful. Don't get me wrong you have the right to wear what you want but understand that all of us, are like walking advertisements , the way we dress, the way we talk and even the who we are around affect how others see us. So,if you are walking around with your ass and titties hanging out, talking about how you down for...
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