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What about your fiends

 I have something that has been weighing on my conscience for awhile now and I just cant hold my peace.  I have always been very careful about the company that I keep and who I call friend but as I get older I realize the true definition of friend. 

 You see I think that a lot of people including myself tend to take that word for granted at times especially when things are going good but when the true test of friendship is when thing get bad. You see a friendship by definition is a common bond a feeling a personal regard between two people but how can you call someone a friend or consider yourself a friend when things get hard and that feeling of personal regard dissipates. I consider myself a good friend to all that I come in contact with and not because I think I am better than most but because all of my real friendships have been forged in the fire  and yet our bond has still survived. 

My grandmother always told me that you can't call everyone friends, so I no you wondering what do you call them , you all them fiend. I know when you say the word your mind ultimately goes to drug user and it should but a fiend is a a mischievous person that is addicted to something. You see and a lot of us are hanging out with fiends but we don't even know it, a fiend is that person that is only around when you're on top, that person that is always smiling in your face when you they feel you can do something for you and  most importantly that person that is NEVER around when you truly need them. You see a fiend will put on the mask as a friend but in truth they can't wait to see you fail. I know that this still maybe a little bit confusing so I am going to break it down a little bit further for you.

A fiend will laugh at your dreams, a friend will encourage them
A fiend will take everything and give back nothing, a friend will give everything and expect nothing
A fiend will laugh when you fall, a friend will be there to catch you
A fiend will push you off the edge, a friend will be there to pull you back
A fiend will go to the club with you, a friend will go to church with you

So, now I ask you to check your inner circle and see who surrounds you fiends or friends?


  1. Fiends is quite funny but true these ppl are very needed they doesn't realize that I'm aware of the fact that I'm not they friend im they provider I have my fiends then friends more ppl looking for handouts only speaking to me when they need something. I have to keep an eye on them more or stop being nice to them ...

  2. Yep, you have to be careful even me, you a fiend is just like a snake. We all can spot them and at times we fill like we can change them but if we not careful they begin to change us and that's when we get bit.
    Nette, I am the same way I can spot a fiend a mile way but I'm still nice to but we have to realize that every time we give a fiend our energy we loose a little bit of ourselves. So, I speak I may even converse but it goes no further than that.


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