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Showing posts from January, 2012

360 Me: The Begining

Hello All: So for about the last month in a half, I have been really sick that's why I have not been posting as much on my blog compared to the previous month. I would love to say that I am 100% better but that's not the truth. Truth is I am my way to becoming my Best self and I am inviting you along for the ride. "360 ME" is what I am calling it because I have always had this GREATNESS inside of me but in order for me to give light to that I first half to heal my whole self. Mentally, Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually, so this indeed will be long journey and I am invited you all to take with me. My goals are that by my 27th birthday which is October 14,2012, I will have: * lost 50 lbs * Adopt a healthy relationship with food and exercise * Released all of my emotional baggage * Reignited my faith with GOD * Take my leap of FAITH * Let go of my personal demons * LOVE< LAUGH< LIVE OUT MY PURPOSE I am both excited and scared about this jou...

Un Masking Me

I almost cried today tried my hardest to hold them back, I felt my pride shatter today as I came face to face with the facts,   Honesty can be brutal but   in the truth we will find our every need, and truth I couldn’t face   I let the world put a mask on me, Living for the expectations of others is like playing a no win game, you put in all the work and they get all the fame, like a puppet on stings or better yet a dog on leash being   led around by my fears and insecurities never truly being me, it’s sad when I think about it and all I wanted to was see them happy, I was so jaded by their smiles that I couldn’t even see what was happening You see I thought I was doing it out all love but they where using me like a tool, I guess the old saying is true at times we all play the fool, I was so afraid to be myself, so scared of what they might say honestly I was just scared of being un love, could they learn to appreciate me once I took the mask away, ...

The Heart Wants what the Heart Wants

consider myself to be a very logical person and I try to think with my mind but the older I get the more I realize that "the heart wants what the heart wants".  For the last couple of weeks  I have realized that in my relationship I  have been cheating myself and my partner. Like most people, I don't want to get hurt but I also understand that love is essentially giving a person the power to hurt you but trusting that they wont. When I hear other people talk about my relationship or call themselves giving me advice I let what they had to say hinder what my heart was telling me, so I started to gradually destroy my relationship. You see a lot of women have this problem, you truly know what is that you want in a man and you might have that but you allow other people's opinion of what your relationship should be like  and what type of man THEY think you should be with infest your mind.  You see no one can tell you if your relationship is right or ...

The Happy Life

So for awhile I have been walking around half happy truth I just feel numb. I understand the reason for that is that although parts of my life I was happy I was still experiencing hell in other parts which when you thing about kind washed each other out and left me feeling numb. So I did some soul searching, and crying, I did some deep thinking and more crying , and then I did some praying and meditating and little bit more crying and then it came to me … I hope this helps you like it’s helping  me these are my tips for 360 happiness -           We are perfect in our own imperfection o    I think me personally spend so much time trying to be what others expected of me , some of us are always trying to be perfect  but truth is when we except that we are the perfect imperfection then we can find true happiness. This means doing what you love regardless of the onlookers, appeasing your own needs and not needs of other...

My Best Year

I was reading my monthly edition of Essence magazine when I came across an article about how to make 2012 the best year EVER. As, I begin to read I picked out several points that I also happen t agree with. Here are some ways on how to make this year the beginning of the best years of your life by finally keeping those resolutions that you made to yourself: ·              Write it down o    This always work for me because I constantly have ideas popping into my head but if you take the time to write them down then you don’t have to worry about trying to remember them all or forgetting the important ones. I carry a small notebook in my purse and also have one in the glove compartment of my car so I am prepared whenever inspiration strikes. ·          Enlist Help o    It can be your Best friend, mentor, family member anyone that is going  to help push you tow...