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The Heart Wants what the Heart Wants

consider myself to be a very logical person and I try to think with my mind but the older I get the more I realize that "the heart wants what the heart wants".  For the last couple of weeks  I have realized that in my relationship I  have been cheating myself and my partner. Like most people, I don't want to get hurt but I also understand that love is essentially giving a person the power to hurt you but trusting that they wont.

When I hear other people talk about my relationship or call themselves giving me advice I let what they had to say hinder what my heart was telling me, so I started to gradually destroy my relationship. You see a lot of women have this problem, you truly know what is that you want in a man and you might have that but you allow other people's opinion of what your relationship should be like  and what type of man THEY think you should be with infest your mind.  You see no one can tell you if your relationship is right or wrong but you and what you feel in your heart. I hear people say that the heart lies and you can't put the heart in the minds place but you see biologically even if your brain is dead then you can still live but when you're  HEART stops beating then your DEAD. I also look at it this way, for me GOD lives in my heart and GOD never lies and he will never take me where his grace can't save me. What I believe is that most people mix Love with Lust which are two totally different beasts.

A relationship takes works on both parts and at times you may truly want to give in  and I agree when the bad out weighs the good  maybe you should let it go and take it as a lesson learned. But even when you feel like you had enough and just there smile can make you melt or a stupid joke makes you forget what you where even mad about then to me you might want to dig a little deeper. You see love is the foundation but you still have build your house with commitment, loyalty,honesty, and COMMUNICATION.
