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My Best Year

I was reading my monthly edition of Essence magazine when I came across an article about how to make 2012 the best year EVER. As, I begin to read I picked out several points that I also happen t agree with.
Here are some ways on how to make this year the beginning of the best years of your life by finally keeping those resolutions that you made to yourself:
  Write it down
o   This always work for me because I constantly have ideas popping into my head but if you take the time to write them down then you don’t have to worry about trying to remember them all or forgetting the important ones. I carry a small notebook in my purse and also have one in the glove compartment of my car so I am prepared whenever inspiration strikes.
·         Enlist Help
o   It can be your Best friend, mentor, family member anyone that is going  to help push you towards your dream. Build your dream team support system and then go for your GOALS.
·         Have Faith
o   Believe in something that is bigger than yourself, understand that we can not handle every single thing ourselves so learn to truest in your high power. Remember that all FAITH is TRUST in action.
·         Keep it REAL
o   The most obtainable goals are the most realistic ones, no you will not be able to color the sky purple , so try to make art your goals SMART goal à Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timely
·         Have Fun
o   You will never be able to obtain any goals or anything if you are not going to have fun doing. So, make sure that you have lots of joy in laughter in your goals for the year, for life.

Setting goals are a very  important that provide you the map to get to where you wan to be in life but just like anything else  it will require work. SO just don’t set a bunch oi goals for yourself but also make sure that  with each goal that you have an ACTION plan and that you are prepared to EXECUTE ..
