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The Happy Life

So for awhile I have been walking around half happy truth I just feel numb. I understand the reason for that is that although parts of my life I was happy I was still experiencing hell in other parts which when you thing about kind washed each other out and left me feeling numb. So I did some soul searching, and crying, I did some deep thinking and more crying , and then I did some praying and meditating and little bit more crying and then it came to me … I hope this helps you like it’s helping  me these are my tips for 360 happiness

-          We are perfect in our own imperfection
o   I think me personally spend so much time trying to be what others expected of me , some of us are always trying to be perfect  but truth is when we except that we are the perfect imperfection then we can find true happiness. This means doing what you love regardless of the onlookers, appeasing your own needs and not needs of others.
-          Surrender to a higher power
o   Sometimes the baggage of life is too much for us to carry all by ourselves, so you have to surrender it to your higher power. For me it’s GOD, I find myself surrendering my worries, my entire life to his will daily and sometimes it’s every five minutes. But when you surrender , you release the worries and with no worry comes a wealth of happiness

-          Call a Time Out
o   If you know me personally, then you know at times it seems like my mind never stops but we all have to take a break. We get some consumed with work, family and friends that we forget that sometimes we need a time out.  A time out is time that you dedicate to yourself; no phone no one else just you. For me this is normally during my commute to and from work but you do what’s best for you.
-          Say “No”
o   I know it sounds weird but especially if you are an “go to” person that hardest thing for you to do is to tell someone know for whatever the reason  may be but sometimes you just have to say it, if not just so that they know that you cant always be there only option. I am not telling you to be mean but that coworker that asks you for a buck every day to get a soda from vending machine, just say “naw”. Obligation can cause you to be unhappy especially it begins to make you feel as if you being used
-          Laugh
o   I laugh all the time because a good laugh instantly makes you feel good. I have a great family who believes in laughter so it’s easy for me to find something to laugh at. More importantly learn to laugh at yourself because when you take yourself too seriously and everything makes you tense makes it hard for to enjoy life. Trust its lesson that I have to learn and continually remind myself.

Over the past couple of months these are few tips that I have picked up to help me like a full life of happiness, I hope it helps you as well. Always here if you need additional help: www.destinycammack,
