When I sit down and look at my life especially the last five years I don't know if i want to laugh or cry, so I decided to write about. You see I have been living in my own hell for the last five years of my life, afraid, ashamed, lonely and with this nagging fear of not ever being worthy. But I call it my own hell because I never spoke on it, I just dealt with it, it's kind of my life's philosophy I don't like confrontation which is why some people who know me might think it is hard to believe but I don't but I do BLOW UP !! The only reason why I even do that is because sometimes I hold so much in that I explode. But in February the opposite happened I IMPLODED and I almost lost the person who should of meant the most to me, MYSELF. About a week before Valentine's Day. I Destiny Cammack checked myself into the Behavioral Unit ( Crazy house) because I had simply reached a point in my life where I couldn't fine my way back. I suffered from a ment...
Life Lessons is where Coach Destiny reaches her team by empowering and giving her team the tools needed to be the best version of themselves by using real life application.