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Dear Past Pain

I have been dealing with so much  lately as I get closer and closer to my dreams, I realize that something was blocking my progress. It took me a while to realize then I realized it was the pain of the past that I had been holding to so long. A lot of hold on the past pain and it just ends up hindering your future. So, I challenged myself to regain control of my life by confronting the pain and then releasing it. As, a writer I found it easier to write a "Dear John" letter to my pain,

Dear Past pain:

You have been holding on to me for too long, I have given you too much power in my life. You have tried to destroy me and now I am here to tell you that I release you. I am no longer afraid, angry, guilty or bitter. I  forgive you and the people that you brought into my life both family and friend who  triggered the pain in order to control me. Telling me that I wasn’t pretty enough, that I wasn’t small enough, that I wasn’t smart enough, creative enough, financially stable enough to have a great life,
I forgive myself for even believing that I was anything less than a child of GOD, I forgive the people in my life that used me, abused me mentally and emotionally. I am standing on the brink of GOD created shift in my life but I realize that I can’t go any further until I release the past and the pain that it’s caused in my life. For the last 13 years, I have allowed the pain to fester up in me to the point that it’s caused physical sickness. I have tried to bandage the pain with work and good deeds but it still bled through and stained every aspect of my life.
So, today I say to my past pain, you no longer have hold me, you can not define me , I no longer will allow myself to be held to the missteps of my past. I am new creature touched by the LORD himself and blessed not to live in misery but in prosperity. I will smile more than I hurt, I will laugh more than I cry, and I will truly experience life instead of waiting for death. I release you , the pain, the guilt, the anger and I embrace the abundance of love, joy and peace that’s waiting for me.
Yours No More,
