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Mirror Mirror

I have one question : " What do you see when you look in the mirror?

Do you recognize the person that's looking back at you or are you looking at stranger. I truly wonder how many people will answer this question honestly and you don't have post it because one thing none of can escape and that's the truth that we have in ourselves. So, I will answer first until about three weeks ago I saw everything in the mirror but me. I saw pain, confusion, hurt, family, love, hate, anger, stress, and even death but I could not see me. You see the hardest thing for most people to admit is that we are not strong all the times and that we as human beings a flawed and we make mistakes.  So, I saw all my mishaps, successes and failures in the mirror but I couldn't see me. Why, you ask because for brief moment in my life I started to forget who I was and more importantly WHO'S I was.

You see life can sometimes beat you down so low to the point that you can't really see past "what the world says you are", what people claim you to be and that becomes your reality and  it weighs on you to the point where you can't see past it. Truth be told that we all will if not have already reached that point in life but I want to tell you  DO NOT let the trivial nature of worldly things overwhelm you  but instead SURRENDER YOURSELF TO GOD. I'm not going to tell you its easy because I am in constant state of SURRENDER because our flesh wants to believe that we are in control of our own lives and we start believing our own HYPE is when we get ourselves in trouble. Trust me, I've been there but my FAITH was more powerful then even I knew.

You see GOD was like VISINE for my SOUL, You see he got the DEVIL OUT, HE GOT THE SELF DESTRUCTION OUT, HE GOT THE PRIDE OUT, HE GOT THE STRESS OUT, HE GOT THE ANGER OUT, You see when I SURRENDERED MYSELF TO GOD, I COULD LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND SEE MY TRUE REFLECTION. You  will know when you are in truly good place when you look in the mirror and you see the GOD in yourself looking back at you.

I am not going to say it will be EASY, because it's not but that's why we have so much HELL in the world now. I am not preacher and  I am not perfect but that's why I am expressing this to you. GOD IS A PERFECT GOD< GOD IS LOVE

This was placed on my spirit to share with you, maybe you need a reminder, maybe you need to take a good look in the mirror, maybe life has thrown you some deadly blows, maybe you are on the edge but I am telling that with GOD you life has abundance  of JOY.  If you need help in your journey, I am here !!!
