Earlier today me and my boyfriend were talking about something and he said "Why Me" and my reply was "Why Not You" and of course he thought I was being sarcastic but I wasn't. My father the great man he is when ever I feel like I am in a downward spiral, he say " what does not kill you makes you stronger", so trust when I say that I have been through so much I am contending to be the world's strongest woman.
But all that leads me to this why do we and majority of us do this when something is going wrong as "WHY ME" and response to that is "WHY NOT YOU", what makes you so special from the rest of us that you can't withstand a little heartache, set back, and devastation. What is it in you that makes you feel that you are above adversity? Better question why are not yelling "WHY ME" when everything is going good is it because when it's good you know why it's good but when it's sours you suddenly need an explanation.
It's kind of funny how the human mind works but I just want to tell that adversity breeds character and in order for you to truly get where you need to go in life, you will have to make some wrong turns, U turns. missed turns but you have to go through something in order to truly appreciate your destination. Most people want the rewards but don't necessarily want to do the works and my personal feeling about that is rewards with no work is meaningless. If I hadn't gone through and continue to go through what I go through in life then I would not have the insight or the ability to help other people.
It's so easy to say how hard life is and miss the fact that the gift is in the living. Look at where you are now and look back to where you were a couple of years ago and if you are moving forward or backwards ask yourself ,"Why am I here" and simply put YOU are the reason why your are in your status in life, so don't ask GOD, "WHY ME" instead ask him "WHY NOT ME" and give him the opportunity to work through you. You see look at life as you would a puzzle when you see the puzzle in the box or spread it on the floor it doesn't make since, but when you start working on that puzzle, you sometimes try to force pieces together or you a get one part done but the other side isn't and sometimes you get so frustrated that you have to walk away from it for awhile but when you're done putting the puzzle together only then you see the true picture.
REMEMBER, that FAITH is nothing but TRUSTING GOD WHILE YOU WORK but you have to willing to do the work.
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