Doubting yourself This is one of the self destructive things that you can do to yourself because when you doubt yourself whatever it is that you want out of life will never happen because you don’t have the faith needed to get it don. Negative thinking Negativity is poison and it poison everything and everyone around you. So, you have to be caution on who you allow into your life and the thoughts you allow into your mind. Fear of failure The only thing that beats a failure is a TRY, my dad told me that like every day when I was growing up and now I fully understand what it means, that failure is not a destination it is a learning point so there is no need to be afraid of more information because it will make you better in the end Destructive Relationships One of the hardest things for people including myself is to pull away when people are sucking the life from us and eventually it w...
Life Lessons is where Coach Destiny reaches her team by empowering and giving her team the tools needed to be the best version of themselves by using real life application.