Q: I feel like I always attract the wrong guys, I mean what is it in me that attracts dogs and how can I change that?
A: First, I don't believe that there is anything wrong with you but maybe you need to first define the type of man that you are looking for. Most females are attracted to a certain type of guy and in your case it seems to be dogs. So, my assignment for you and any other female having a hard time with the wrong guys, is to make a list of what these guys have in common to first find that common thread that connects them and then I want you to break it by telling yourself that you deserve better. Most people end up in unhappy relationships simply because they feel that is what they deserve. Never Settle !!
Q: I feel like I have made so many bad decisions in my life, how do change myself and my path for the better, would it even matter?
A: As long as you have breath in your body is never to late to make a change in your life especially if that change is for the better. We all make bad decisions but you can let those past mistakes define who you are but you don't have to learn from them. So, familiarize yourself with your past lessons (mistakes), evaluate your present situation and then prepare for your future. I want to tell you that change is easy but it's not and you may have relapses but you have to keep pushing your way to your truth.
Q: I am having a really hard time dealing with my baby daddy's girlfriend, I mean this has been going on for awhile but after reading your posts I really want to try and let go?
A: I commend you for just being honest with yourself, but I don't think the problem is with her that it is with you. No female truly dreams that the man she has her children with will not be the man of her dreams but for so many that is there reality. I dont know how long you were together but I think just by asking this question you are strong enough to let him go. I would suggest to maybe have a conversation with her , not saying she has to become your new BFF but just so you know who is around your child.
Q: I am a homosexual female and I dont know if that really matters but I want to know , but I read your posts "Dedication to my ex" and "Enough of No Love", I want to know how do you move on from loving someone you've loved half your life and do you think that it's possible that that flame will ever be resparked?
A: It doesn't matter to me that you are homosexual because I don;t see people by thoer race, sexuality or any demographix just by who they are. So, now to you question, moving on from a love that has consumed you for that long is really hard to do because of the history and depending on the situation of the break up it can be even harder. For, me personally I take it day by day because sometimes I find myself in a good place and I barley think about him and other days he is the only thing on my mind. But I will say take some time to focus on you and figure out what you want in life and learn to be with yourself for awhile. As, far the relationship being rekindled, I never say never because sometimes people truly have to step away from something to appreciates it value or to even see that it is well valuable in the first place.
I want to wish all of the mothers that read my blog, A HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY !! Again if you have any more questions you can email them to me at : truerevelationscoaching@outlook.com
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