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Glass Houses

I remember when I was younger every time I would say something about someone that was nice she would say " I know you not throwing stones in your glass house", and of course because I love my grandmother I took heed to her words but I would be a hypocrite if I didn’t say that over my years that I have thrown my fair share of rocks and I have some thrown at me.

But now at the ripe age of 27, I now fully understand what my grandmothers has been trying to tell me all those years ago. I may not be perfect but I have been on a journey of treating others the way I want to be treated but it really bothers when people throw stones especially when they  discriminatory, stereotypical, and just ridiculous.   How can  we as people say that one group of people is greater than another because at one point in life we have all been enslaved. Who are you that you can afford to judge others?  What makes you superior to others because if we are honest with each other then we all have someone or something that is greater than we, so how can you sit in your house and throw stones at others.

But I think that I got it figured out, we judge others as a deflection mechanism , almost like we are trying to cast an illusion. If we can get the world to look at what's going on with someone else then no one will be able to take a closer a look at the mess we have going on in our lives. I mean if you honestly think about it, it's easier to pick someone else apart and tell them they need to clean up their lives instead of having to deal with what is staring back at us in the mirror.

For some reason in my experience the most religious people have the hardest time with throwing stones, GOD lives in all of us and his love doesn’t have a color, sex, or face it just is. So, how can you call yourself a child of GOD in one breath and then speak so ill of him with the next because when you past judgment that's what you are doing, speaking bad of a child of GOD because we are all of his children.

I know that I am going to piss some people off with this one, and you already know how I feel about it, These are my opinions and psychological analyst, not the gospel. But do me favor anywat before you expend the energy throwing stones, we can making ourselves better, stronger, wiser.
