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Sister to Sister Sunday

Q: I have a friend actually she is my best friend but the last couple of months, we have drifted apart, I mean it is like we are going in two seperate directions with our lives, we hang with different people, we put value on different things. How can I still call her my best friend?

A: If you had one person outside of family, that you could call to save your life, would it be her? Answer that question and that will let you know where you stand in the friendship  We sometimes feel that we have personal ownership over our friends that they have to call us everyday, give us a daily play by play of their lives for our approval but that's not how true friendship should work. Me and my bestie spent most of our teenage years up to our early twenties being inseparable and then as we began to grow into women we changed. She likes corporate work and aspires to become a full figure model, I love non profit work and I am a life coach, We lead very different lives but our bond is still strong, she is still who I call when I need real advice, I am still who she depends on when life becomes to much. Only you can define your friendship but you have to understand that she is your friend not your shadow.

Q: What is your take on long distance relationships, do you believe that absence makes the heart grown fonder? 

A: How fond was the heart when yall were living in the same state, I beleive that if the relationships is strongly founded and you communicate properly, you trust and truly in love with each other then a relationship can withstand anything life throws at it.  I believe in the power love, so if it is meant to be then it will be.

Q: First, I want to commend you are wiser at twenty seven then I am at forty, but I read your blog and I know that you have issues in the past with being insecure and when I look at your pictures I see such a beauty, how did you overcome being insecure?

A: Thanks for the compliments , I truly appreciate it. When it comes to my own insecurities I became more secure when I stopped trying to fit into what people perceived me to be and started to become myself. When I did that I could look in the mirror and see someone who by my own definition magnificent. I stripped off the labels people had placed on me, built a relationship of my own with GOD and the insecurity was replaced with confidence. 

Q: I love your blog, it is very postive and uplifting because you are always trying to help and you have a unique way with words. But my question is about my sex life, my ex boyfriend said he cheated because I wasn't good sexually , how do I fix that?

A: Thank you so much I always try to empower and educate through my own life experiences. First , let me say that I am glad he is your ex because he sounds like a jerk. Baby girl, people who cheat have thier own issues, his cheating had nothing to do with you or your sex game that was just an excuse he used as an away out.  I don't know what to tell you when it comes to improving your sex game because that is something that every person has to come into at their own time.  I will say don't push it or force yourself to do things that you are not comfortable with, always be safe and be yourself. Personally, to me sex is suppose to be enjoyable so dont think about it just let if flow and as you mature, you will sexaully mature as well.

Another great night full of great questions, I love the love that you guys give me it just pushes me to be greater each and every day. I hope that I have given you all a new perspective on your current situations in life and know that it will get better.
As always, give me atleast 24 hours to answer your questions and send all questions to and sign up for your free coaching session.
