When I sit down and reflect on this past year all I can say is , "Thank You Lord" This year has truly been my purge and grow season. I have hurt, learned some new things, hurt, grew up a little more, and hurt some more but in the end when I take a honest look back ... TRUTH is ... it's exactly what I needed. Truth is there where times during this past year where I stood on the verge of loosing it all , my house, my car, my job, my mind. Truth is there were several times this year that I felt like giving up, when everything I touched even thought about turned to crap and even it those few moments when I felt myself getting back on only to be sucker punched by another disappointment. Truth is this year I have experienced so much heart ache and pain and for the first time I didn't run it or try to bury it. Instead I confronted it, I e,braced it by allowing myself to hurt , then heal so that I can move on. Truth is this year that is soon to past brought me face ...
Life Lessons is where Coach Destiny reaches her team by empowering and giving her team the tools needed to be the best version of themselves by using real life application.